The above photo is me gazing out toward two majestic mountaintop lakes upon my last crossing of the continental divide near the Elk Creek gorge, just before Silverton.
My plans to hike the Colorado Trail came suddenly and quite unexpected when "duh boss" approved a TWO MONTH vacation. Somewhat stunned and surprised I only had about a month to completely plan and organize a new adventure. Well, that is certainly a great problem to have and one that I didn't waste too much time solving. About ten years ago a couple of friends had done a honeymoon thru-hike of the Colorado Trail and this hike had been on my "short-list" ever since, just waiting for the right moment, and I now knew that its time had come! Thanks to the internet, planning for such a hike on such short notice became very possible and I can't imagine gathering the necessary information and equipment any other way under the urgency of time, so this trip was my first planned completely online...from airline tickets, Denver transportation information, hostel reservations, equipment, to maps and guides... all easily done with a lot of research and just a few clicks, all from the convenience of my living room... really amazing! Throughout these pages I will attempt to relate much of this information and helpful links so that you can plan your own hike.
Only the Photo/Journal link is active at this time. I'll have the rest up and going very soon!