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Appalachian Trail... photos and journal

Spring of 2002... In the deep south...

(Page 4 of 10 pages)

Crossing the highway at Winding Stair Gap.

Just another snake slithering across the trail on a very warm spring day!

If you don't look closely then you will surely miss the bright white butterfly which is well camoflauged against the white flowers.

From my journal (April 22th) Day-6..."Up and going at sunrise despite the rain that had started during the night. It was the first time that I'd used my rain parka on the hike but it sure felt good this morning. I stopped briefly to climb the Wesser Bald tower just as the clouds began to lift thus revealing an amazing 360 degree panoramic view including the Nantahala Gorge still far away by foot.

It was mostly an easy walk down into Wesser where I spent an hour resupplying and eating a bean burrito. It was a very nice stop but I plowed out of the Gorge for Fontana Dam with some of the steepest non-stop climbing of the hike so far. In Wesser I discovered my first blister on the inside heel of my left foot so I'd have to drain it tonight. Late this afternoon I paused briefly to talk with a kind couple who asked if I realized that I'd climbed three major peaks today...(I didn't) . Tonight I'm exhausted and stealth camped on a sweet little hidden ridge just before Stecoah Gap and about a half mile past a small spring. "

I took this picture from atop the Wesser Bald tower very early in the morning as the clouds were blowing low and fast through the trees. Quite a sight it was!

Gradually descending into the humidity of the Nantahala Gorge I found myself rolling with laughter when I came across this note left by another hiker who had encountered a snake.

Into the Nantahala Gorge at Wesser

The trail comes out of the woods right at the Nantahala Outdoor Center which has a very well stocked outdoor gear section but only a very tiny food section. They have graciously allowed hikers to send their maildrops here at no charge for many years and we appreciate that!!!

I picked out a small cafe just across the river for a fine meal.

Several nice eateries in the Nantahala Gorge within just a few steps of the trail.

Found this pretty red frog while climbing north out of the gorge.

Plenty of daisy's but I didn't see no Daisy Jane!!!.

The trail club along this section got very creative with their "white" blazes.

A warm fuzzy?.

From high up on the north side of the trail, here's looking back down into the Nantahala Gorge.

I barely caught eye of this baby rabbit sitting on the edge of the trail in some loose vegetation. It would have fit nicely into the palm of one hand.




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